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Paint a friend’s ceiling, fix their bike, babysit – the best Christmas gifts don’t come from shops | Nell Frizzell

This is the year to push back on all the old assumptions. There’s joy to be had if you pull yourself off the meathook of consumerism

Not every relationship requires a gift. Not all gifts need to be new. Celebratory meals don’t have to be expensive. Affection and love don’t have to be shown through shopping.

As the climate emergency and cost of living crisis finally gain a toehold in the public consciousness, this year feels like the time we might finally be able to push back on some outdated Christmas assumptions. You see, there is so much joy to be had at Christmas if you can somehow pull yourself off the meathook of consumerism. The tsunami of television adverts, magazine articles, radio features and advertising hoardings may try to undercut your resolve, but I promise you – there is another way.

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from The Guardian

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