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UK Covid live news: English schools to get test kits as ‘alternative to isolation’ from September

Latest updates: schools being told to prepare for on-site testing as pilot of testing instead of isolation to end on Wednesday, says Nick Gibb

Sir Kevan Collins, who resigned as the government’s education recovery commissioner after No 10 refused to back his plan for a £15bn programme for schools, is giving evidence to the Commons education committee.

There is a live feed here.

In her Times Radio interview Priti Patel, the home secretary, also said people would have to “adapt” so that they could get used to living with coronavirus. She said:

Yes, we have the vaccine, there’ll be boosters at some stage, booster jabs as well, so we are adapting our way of life. I think to look to getting our freedoms back, which of course we all dearly want, we are adapting how we live and that means living with the concept of this pandemic, the virus, and obviously we adapt our lives accordingly.

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from The Guardian

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