Breaking News

Dominic Cummings' media approach often more bark than bite

As he departs No 10, his cultural revolution is in the process of being partially unwound

During last year’s election campaign, Dominic Cummings made clear what he thought of the accredited lobby journalists who cover Westminster politics for mainstream publications. “Wait til the glorious new government SMASHES the lobby and replaces it with truth and light,” Cummings told the Guardian at the time, following an inquiry about an unrelated story.

He was promising that a victorious Johnson government would go to war with the BBC, Channel 4 News and all manner of other news outlets deemed to represent the views of the metropolitan elite and not the 52% of the country who had voted for Brexit. Root-and-branch reform of government communications was the order of the day and journalists who didn’t like it would have to deal with it.

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from The Guardian

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