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Vox Sentences: 2 important votes

Rep. Jerry Nadler, the Judiciary chair. | Shawn Thew (Pool)/Getty Images

Full House vote on impeachment coming soon; UK vote leaves Johnson in the clear and Corbyn out of a job.

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The committee has spoken

Tories hold on to power in Thursday’s UK election

  • By a margin of 365 to 203, the United Kingdom’s Conservative Party claimed a victory over the Labour Party in parliamentary elections on Thursday. [BBC / Becky Morton, Chris Lansdown, Francesca Gillett, and Dulcie Lee]
  • “[Conservative Prime Minister] Boris Johnson now has five years in power. Brexit will happen. Labour faces an existential question about its future — yet again,” said Tony Travers, a professor of politics at the London School of Economics. [New York Times / Mark Landler and Stephen Castle]
  • While the vote doesn’t reflect the largely negative perceptions of Johnson or a belief in his ability to govern, it does testify to dislike of Jeremy Corbyn, Labour’s left-wing leader who tried to please voters on both sides of the Brexit divide. [Vox / Zack Beauchamp]
  • Across the UK’s territories, election victory was less certain for the Tories, a fact that could morph into a problem for Johnson down the road if the divisions continue to grow. [CNN / Stephen Collinson]
  • Corbyn has promised to resign from his position at the head of Labour at the end of this year, in response to the crushing defeat of Thursday’s election. [Vox / Jen Kirby]



“It was a painful scene, may God help his mother, and I wonder why the police did not do anything. Maybe tomorrow this thing could happen with me and no one would help me.” [Abu Mohammad Alkinani, an Iraqi man who knew the boy killed by a mob Thursday]

Listen to this: Space Farce

The Democrats gave President Trump his Space Force this week. But what is it? [Spotify]

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