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China's forgotten protesters: the other Tiananmens | podcast

Hundreds of Chinese cities were involved in the student-led demos in 1989. The Guardian’s Lily Kuo discusses the uprisings outside of Beijing. Plus: Patrick Wintour on Saudi Arabia’s hand in Sudan’s military crackdown

Zhou Guocong who lived on the outskirts of Chengdu, China left home on 6 June 1989 and never returned. Since then, Zhou’s mother, Tang Deying, has been seeking redress for the death of her son. He was one of dozens believed killed in Chengdu as police moved to crush student protests, after Chinese troops did the same a thousand miles away in Beijing.

Tuesday marked 30 years since the Chinese military cleared student demonstrators in Tiananmen Square, killing hundreds – possibly thousands – of unarmed protesters. China’s leaders have worked to erase this chapter from the collective memory, but perhaps at even greater risk of being forgotten are the pro-democracy protests that took place in more than 300 Chinese cities at the time. The Guardian’s Bejing bureau chief, Lily Kuo, tells Anushka Asthana about reporting on the reprisals and repression against protesters in the provinces – and the legacy the student uprisings have had in China today.

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