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Jeremy Corbyn has to get off the fence for Labour to see off the Faragists | Polly Toynbee

If the party doesn’t get behind remain, its voters will be counted among the Brexiters. That would be a mortal error

Labour remainers are in a dilemma. Wherever I go I find lifelong Labour voters – indeed (whisper it) even some elected Labour councillors and probably an occasional MP – agonising over their European election vote in 10 days’ time. In the privacy of the polling booth no one will ever know, with both Momentum-leaners and non-Momentumites united in the same quandary.

This election is all about Europe and our place in the world, nothing else, not a dry run for a general election. Results will have only one meaning: how many voted remain and how many voted leave? This will tell if all the opinion polls are right. Not one has shown a leave lead for more than two years, with remain solidly ahead. Will that be replicated on 23 May? The number of seats won by any party will barely matter, compared with the crucial total of in/out votes. This is our second referendum by proxy.

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from The Guardian

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