Breaking News

Is BBC news broken? And if so, how do we fix it?

We ask industry experts if the corporation’s efforts to be even-handed in Britain’s highly charged political climate are misguided. Introduction by Gaby Hinsliff

Our national broadcaster has been defeated by Brexit; confounded either by the explosion of a rightwing populist politics it doesn’t know how to cover, or by growing millennial intolerance of views they abhor being given a platform, or possibly by both. An explosion of fake news, the BBC’s own neurosis about whether it’s too middle-class for its own good, and the vocal indignation of Labour activists who feel the media is institutionally biased against Jeremy Corbyn have all combined to create a perfectly bewildering storm for a once-loved institution.

Or so the theory goes. But has the BBC really lost its way so very profoundly, or has it merely become a convenient whipping boy for a frustrated nation mired in political crisis? It is striking that, but for the mention of Channel 4, Adonis’s words could easily have been those of an incensed hard Brexiter.

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from The Guardian

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