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Boris Johnson’s latest Brexit outburst combines madness and mendacity | Simon Jenkins

This is the worst way to stage a Tory leadership challenge. The Chequers deal is not ‘humiliating’ or a scandal

Never trust a man who can’t master his metaphors. Boris Johnson’s latest outburst has Theresa May’s Brexit tank flying a white flag while losing a wrestling match after being locked in a car boot as it cherrypicks a magnetic field. Is this the scrambled mind that reportedly called the Chequers deal a triumph a month ago – before deciding that writing Telegraph columns was easier than politics. On that point, Johnson was right.

There were good reasons for Britain to leave the European Union. They were largely to do with the future politics of an outer ring of non-eurozone nations. They were nothing to do with the single market, championed as a majestic edifice of free trade by the Brexiter’s darling, Margaret Thatcher, some 30 years ago.

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from The Guardian

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