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Pakistan won’t make any compromise on its defence: PM

Shahid Khaqan Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has said the observance of Youm e Takbeer provided an opportunity to the nation to reiterate its resolve for the defence and solidarity of Pakistan.

It’s the day which reminds us that the national interests should be given priority for the motherland’s progress, defence and unity.

In a message on the Youm -e- Takbeer being observed to commemorate the historic nuclear tests Pakistan made on the day in 1998, the prime minister said on this historic day, Pakistan emerged as the first atomic power in the Islamic world. The defence of Pakistan was made impregnable and the power of balance was maintained in the South Asia.

He said on May 11, 1998, the nuclear tests by India exposed its aggressive designs and caused impacts upon the regional balance of power and peace.

But it was need of the time to take difficult decision for the defence and solidarity of the motherland, he said, adding the credit went to the PML-N leadership at that time which without being succumbed to the international pressure, conducted its five nuke tests on May 28, 1998 in response to the Indian aggression, thus making the defence of the motherland invincible.

On that day, the country’s leadership reminded the world that no compromise would be made on the country’s defence and against any aggression.

The government, he claimed, had laid a strong foundation of progress and prosperity which will help nation to succeed in the comity of nations, he added.


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