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Darism: Pakistan’s new moral code?

Darism: Pakistan’s new moral code?

Indicted Finance Minister Ishaq Dar finds himself alienated in his role as a representative of Pakistan on the international financial stage.

Interior Minister Ahsan Iqbal had to fill in for finance minister Dar, as Pakistan’s envoy to the annual IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington. Due to rules at the IMF and World Bank, he is not allowed to attend the meetings because of the corruption charges against him. Dar is facing trial for serious discrepancies between his known income and assets.

Despite facing infuriated demands for his resignation from all segments of media and the political opposition, Dar appears to be adamant on clinging to his office for the full length of his term. It is obvious that the Supreme Court ordered trial has incapacitated Dar as Finance Minister. Yet, PML-N stalwarts betray no hint of discomfort over having a compromised individual in charge of the nation’s economic welfare. For the past six months, political commentators and TV anchors have shouted themselves hoarse while pointing out, to no avail, the hypocrisy of the ruling party who claim to be the gatekeepers of democracy, and yet, continue to act in contempt of the values that constitute a democratic system.

Difference between Pakistan and western democracies

One is forced to ask: How can individuals like Dar continue to act in disregard of ethics and morality while holding public office?

In democratic states like France and Britain, public office holders hold themselves accountable to a higher moral code which is considered to be an uncodified aspect of the law. Conventions which are not enforced by courts but which are nevertheless upheld by the officials of state institutions play an important role in the smooth governance of the state. These conventions preserve the finer traits of the moral code which acts as a foundation for the state’s law.

There are innumerable instances in recent history where politicians in democratic nations have had to resign over scandals that are almost innocuous when compared to those currently surrounding PML-N’s senior leadership.

Home Secretary David Blunkett resigned after he was accused of fast-tracking a work permit for his girlfriend’s nanny. This would be considered an anathema for Pakistanis. For a Pakistani MNA – this is his remit – the very minimum his electors would expect from him and a lot more including providing them with ‘unmerited’ jobs if needed.

Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, Iceland’s Prime Minister stepped aside after the Panama Papers revealed that his wife had an off-shore company in the British Virgin Islands (unlike the Sharif’s, the money was traceable and proven to be acquired through legitimate means).

Dominique Strauss-Kahn was forced to resign from the IMF after charges of sexual misconduct were leveled against him by a maid working in a New York Hotel, he was later exonerated.

But Pakistan’s Finance Minister who faces not only allegations but is being tried for corruption by an accountability court, point-blank refuses to even consider stepping down temporarily while he faces trial.

A crucial insight can be gleaned from this attitude: Ishaq Dar and his peers consider public office to be a broad license to rule without challenge. In Dar’s mind, questions of ethics cannot challenge the might of the public’s mandate.

In essence, the principle of Darism can be defined as: being elected to public office grants the officeholder with the absolute power of a medieval monarch who cannot be bound by any moral or ethical code.

It remains to be seen if the force of public opinion, the outcry from the media, and pressure from the opposition will be successful in forcing the Finance Minister to resign. Will the courts hasten the process of accountability which often takes decades when powerful politicians are involved? Or will Darism be allowed to reign supreme?


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