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Caroline Horton: 'The patriarchy lands on you with its full force and you go … wow!'

In her new show, Muckers, the actor and playwright revisits the mess, mischief and bamboozling anxieties of growing up

‘Ask her if it’s true about the poo!” “Ask her what she really calls her vagina!” After watching the gloriously knotty kids’ show Muckers, my daughters have two important questions for its creator, Caroline Horton. But when I meet her at a park cafe in Rugby I’m too embarrassed to ask them until we’ve finished our coffee. This, laughs Horton in the sunshine, is partly why she made the show. She wants to encourage the kind of conversations we shy away from.

Toilet humour guarantees giggles from even the toughest of young audiences. But alongside its raucous silliness and scatological streak, Muckers gently raises questions about body image, anxiety, shame and sexism. Horton likens her approach to looking under a rock and finding “all this shit underneath”. She smiles and says: “It’s fine. It’s there. It’s OK to have a look sometimes.”

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from The Guardian

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