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Britain needs a Brexit compromise. Forging one could be the making of Corbyn’s Labour | Martin Kettle

This is the worst national crisis since 1945. The rewards for helping deliver a principled, workable solution will be huge

The national tragedy of Brexit sweeps on. In the end, Theresa May’s opening to Jeremy Corbyn to help solve it may prove to have been just another brief episode in its awful unfolding. But even the greatest tragedies occasionally have space for epic moments of boldness and inspiration, when a moment can be seized and an outcome reshaped. This could – perhaps – be one of them.

The appeal to Labour may soon prove to be little more than another of the tactical feints that May sometimes attempts in search of a Brexit solution. Through thick and thin, the prime minister has doggedly tried to get her deal through with Conservative and DUP votes. Occasionally, though, she has tacked a little towards the centre. When she does, her main motive seems to be to frighten her rebel rightwingers back into her hard-Brexit pen, rather than to reveal any lurking centrist convictions or because she accepts she has no alternative.

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from The Guardian

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